
Mixed xylene is a colorless, flammable aromatic hydrocarbon liquid with a sweet odor. Xylene is a mixture of different isomers of xylenes such as meta-xylene, paraxylene, ortho-xylene and ethylbenzene. The distribution of isomers in xylene is different. Commercial xylenes from petroleum sources contain approximately 40-50% meta-xylene, 20% ortho-xylene, 20% para-xylene, and 5%-15% ethylbenzene.

Xylenes is used as a solvent in the manufacturing of chemicals, agricultural sprays, adhesives and coatings, as an ingredient in aviation fuel and gasoline, and as a feedstock in manufacturing various polymers, phthalic anhydride, isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, and dimethyl terephthalate.


  1. meta-xylene
  2. Isophthalic acid
  3. ortho-xylene
  4. Phthalic anhydride (PA)
  5. dioctyl phthalate (DOP)
  6. para-xylene
  7. Terephthalic acid (PTA)
  8. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
  9. Mixed Xylene

Applications :

  1. Solver
  2. Printing, rubber, leather industries
  3. Ink and adhesive industries
  4. paint and varnish
  5. Cleaner in steel and silicon
  6. Dental medicine
  7. Paraffin solvent