Cored Wire Injection Machine

Wire injection is the most precise process for the addition of small quantities of alloying elements into molten steel or cast iron. By using a specially designed feeding machine the wire and cored wire with diameter range between 5mm to 20mm is injected into the metal bath inside the ladle.

The machine is designed with 2, 4 or 6 strands.

It is possible to feed respectively 1, 2 or 3 wired simultaneously.

Each strand is provided with two drive wheels directly connected to the gear motors; wire speed is variable from 5 to 400 m/min and it is programmable by the operator.

Proximity switches are installed for measuring wire length.

The contact pressure is independent for each strand and it is adjustable to fit different wire diameters.

The wire feeding machine is provided with a dedicated PLC (different brands can be used according to Customer request); it can be controlled from a local control panel placed close to the machine or from safety control room.