HFD-U & HFC Oils

Lubrication is a crucial element required for any moving machine and its parts. Without lubricants, the life-expectancy and efficient functioning of any rotating equipment is greatly reduced. Productivity is delayed due to premature bearing failures, increased use of energy, and machine downtime. This leads to further losses of production which calls for new and improved lubrication solutions.

When lubricants are used in machines, their main functions are to:

Transport contaminated particles to filters and maintain cleanliness

Create a film between metal surfaces to reduce friction

Protect metal parts from corrosion

Cool surfaces by dissipating heat

The steel manufacturing industry involves processes that are exposed to high temperatures, extreme loads, and corrosive and humid environments. These factors influence the way lubricants work on machines, creating more demand for super lubricating abilities.

Steel can be obtained from:

basic oxygen steel making: working the molten iron produced by the melting of coke and ore via blast furnaces

electric steel making: working from recycled scrap iron and/or reduction of iron ore.

Melting in electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces is ensured by control of the carbon electrodes.

Our products, based on synthetic technologies, ensuring perfect lubrication at high temperatures. With melting points that can be greater than 1 500°C and the use of much hydraulic equipment, fire is a major risk in steel making plant. Another constraint: pollution.


Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids for:

  • door controls for coke ovens,
  • car wagons,
  • floor machines,
  • blast furnace doors,
  • tilting and electrodes control,
  • opening and closing roofs and sliding doors of electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces.
  • Greasing of ladle axles